How To Choose The Best Telehealth Software For Perfect Virtual Care?
Telehealth software in the healthcare industry is now more relevant than ever. From small medical practices to large hospital networks, patients attending a medical appointment via telehealth software are becoming just as common as an in-person visit to the doctor’s office.
Has your organization adopted a remote healthcare platform? Without a strong telehealth software solution in place, your medical team may not be keeping up with industry expectations when crises occur and is missing out on opportunities to provide the virtual clinical care many patients need.
How to choose the best telehealth software?
1. Privacy and Security
Patient data is sensitive information. Anyone related to the healthcare business must know the importance of data encryption. A patient and a healthcare provider should be well-adapted and informed about the security of their data.
In the past, the security of healthcare data was not a significant concern because everything was hand-written and manually sorted in files that were kept intact in a healthcare facility.
With virtual healthcare platforms gaining popularity, there are standards such as HIPAA to secure patient data at every end of the clinical cycle. For this, when a patient selects a digital healthcare platform, he must know that the platform is updated for current reforms.
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2. User-Friendly Interface
Imagine being stuck at home with a patient. You open a telehealth platform, but it is too complicated to handle. You try hard to find an online doctor, but you fail miserably because the system requires too much digging to find one.
If the platform doesn’t work on the current protocols, there’s a high chance of hackers getting access which is a considerable concern.
Frustrating, right? That’s why a virtual care platform needs to be user-friendly. The interface should be convenient enough to make non-specialists understand its usage.
The user interface is an important consideration for the healthcare providers as well, so any clinic switching to a virtual care solution vendor should make sure to adopt a functional interface.
3. Scalability that Allows EHR Integration
A telehealth platform must provide a patient with the electronic health record option. The electronic health record systems give a detailed view of a patient’s health.
A virtual care platform that enables EHR makes it easy for the patients to access their history, diagnostics, comparative health records, and test results that do not require manual handling.
The EHR systems are also beneficial for doctors since they streamline the workflow for them. They have access to the complete history of their patients every time they log into an EHR-enabled telehealth platform that reduces the work pressure.
4. Data Analytics for Telehealth Platforms
Although data analytics used in a telehealth platform doesn’t directly affect patients, it enhances the overall performance of such systems. Data analytics can help healthcare providers to manage the appointment times, the volume of patients, diagnoses of patients, and the outcomes.
A telehealth platform with data analytics involved at the back-end will always provide utmost patient care due to the strong grip on patient trends.
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5. Check for customized features
No two medical organizations are the same. The telehealth software needs of a hospital contrast greatly to the needs of a smaller medical practice. A mental health specialist relies on a telemedicine software platform in a different way than does an ophthalmologist.
The best telehealth software solution for your organization is a platform that is designed to support your medical specialty. If your organization provides a specific service, choose a platform that can most readily provide the support that your practice and patients need. If your organization supports multiple specialties, choose a versatile, comprehensive platform with diagnostic tools so that the solution provides assistance to all system users.
6. Cost
No matter your budget, price (including any associated fees) always factors in your decision when choosing a telehealth software system. Because telemedicine is relatively new and continuously evolving, offerings can range from inexpensive, basic platforms to pricey, all-encompassing systems.
A simple telemedicine software solution often serves mainly as a video consultation platform, while more complex telehealth software providers offer remote diagnostics and triage.
Depending on the complexity of the system, monthly subscription rates per provider can range from under $100 to more than $800. Some platforms, although not as common, can be purchased by capital expenditure with a price tag of tens—or hundreds—of thousands of dollars.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right telehealth software platform is only the first step. Implementing the best telehealth software solution within your organization can be a daunting task, especially when best practices for healthcare software testing aren’t in place.
Ready to implement telehealth solutions into your practice? Schedule a demo with Vozo experts today!
With more than 4 years of experience in the dynamic healthcare technology landscape, Sid specializes in crafting compelling content on topics including EHR/EMR, patient portals, healthcare automation, remote patient monitoring, and health information exchange.
His expertise lies in translating cutting-edge innovations and intricate topics into engaging narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.